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A E-Trade Financial Corporation oferece uma plataforma de negociação eletrônica para negociar ativos financeiros, incluindo ações ordinárias, ações preferenciais, contratos futuros, fundos negociados em bolsa, opções, fundos mútuos e investimentos de renda fixa.

Problemas nas últimas 24 horas

O gráfico a seguir mostra o número de reclamações sobre falha no serviço E*Trade que recebemos por hora do dia nas últimas 24 horas. Consideramos que há uma interrupção quando o número de reclamações é maior do que a linha de base, representada pela linha vermelha.

Gráfico de falhas e interrupções no serviço E*Trade 05/18/2024 17:00

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Problemas mais relatados

A seguir estão os problemas mais recentes relatados pelos usuários da E*Trade em nosso site.

  1. Login (62%)

    Login (62%)

  2. Website (30%)

    Website (30%)

  3. Plataforma de Negociação (6%)

    Plataforma de Negociação (6%)

  4. Retiradas (2%)

    Retiradas (2%)

  5. Depósitos (%)

    Depósitos (%)

Mapa ao vivo de interrupções

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United StatesMiami Website
United StatesMinneapolis Website
United StatesWinter Garden Website
United StatesPalmetto Login
United StatesDecatur Website
United StatesSarasota Login
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Reclamações sobre problemas no serviço E*Trade

Reclamações sobre falhas, interrupções e problemas mais recentes nas redes sociais:

  • makemethough shh. (@makemethough) relatou um problema

    @etrade You not allowing online AMC trade or automated phone and forcing to use the broker to collect fees IS BULLSHIT **** YOU

  • makemethough shh. (@makemethough) relatou um problema

    @reddittrading Etrade isn’t letting me trade online or via phone for AMC!!!!! WTF @etrade

  • MoneOnMy_Noggin Mom (@MoneOnMy_Noggin) relatou um problema

    @StanTradingMan @etrade @TDAmeritrade problem is the number of people who use them. If we can effect that they will change. They have been nothing but sellouts from beginning of time .Ive been here 15 years and seen every broker turn to **** scott trade,td,etrade,robinhood the list never will end. No loyalty. nothing

  • RdgKnightRider ReadingKnightRider (@RdgKnightRider) relatou um problema

    @krun1337 @etrade ETrade was up and running all day, did not block any stocks that I am aware of. I bought $NAKD today with no issues.

  • zshurtleff Zachary Shurtleff (@zshurtleff) relatou um problema

    @etrade I’ve been waiting for customer service for an hour—what’s going on over there?

  • RocketMS Rocket Martin (@RocketMS) relatou um problema

    @etrade I’m looking into a new brokerage that is not going to support market manipulation by market makers and hedge fund. Why restrict GME and AMC. You guys are criminals

  • etheriatic Etheriatic (@etheriatic) relatou um problema

    @jebus911 @etrade I TAKE IT BACK - ETRADE BAD

  • Robthegman Rob Nelson (@Robthegman) relatou um problema

    @etrade Damn, looks like I'll need to pull all my money from not only @RobinhoodApp but Etrade as well. In the end you proved who you work for. Bye bye.

  • krun1337 Kevin R. (@krun1337) relatou um problema

    @modern_rock We need a list of brokers who did not **** over clients and spam it so people can switch, Im yanking all my money from @etrade and some others.

  • JoePPopo Notorious JOE (@JoePPopo) relatou um problema

    How do I stop using Robinhood without having to sell all my stocks? @etrade? Can you help?

  • DwenD7 Dwen D (@DwenD7) relatou um problema

    @etrade Is my account hacked?? I can't reset my password as it's showing diff. email & phone no...I can't even login..can you please help?...your chat support states wait time is 288 minutes and nobody is answering the 800-387-2331

  • LuckColeman Coleman Luck III (@LuckColeman) relatou um problema

    Now the app i use for my tiny portfolio, @etrade is blocking sales. I don't have much and what I do have was funded by my brother because I advised him to buy Netflix a decade ago. I know entertainment. I grew up in it. #AMC is a good company suffering a bad time.

  • senna1 SENNAONE (@senna1) relatou um problema

    @llCoolLars no idea. @etrade just shut down gme and AMC as well. I get it but i dont buy on margin. it is crazy

  • adamdoesco Adam (@adamdoesco) relatou um problema

    .@etrade WTF WHY on earth are you restricting $GME and $AMC?

  • AdamGordon1977 Adam Gordon (@AdamGordon1977) relatou um problema

    @bobbibillard @etrade I always see you support @RobinhoodApp. Which do you like better?

  • etheriatic Etheriatic (@etheriatic) relatou um problema


  • MysteryMan_777 〽️ The Midas Touch 〽️ (@MysteryMan_777) relatou um problema

    @PencilNeckGeek0 @yatesinvesting @etrade Weird... I had no issues today on amc.

  • StanTradingMan StanTheTradingMan (@StanTradingMan) relatou um problema

    Just to be clear why I'm so abrupt to leave @etrade & @TDAmeritrade today. When your own money being used with a private company is being censored or blocked, the company no longer provides a service of value. Next they'll censor how and when you can withdrawal money.

  • krun1337 Kevin R. (@krun1337) relatou um problema

    @RdgKnightRider @etrade Etrade has blocked gme and amc, it has ****** me over on all my executions last to days. cant cancel cant sell.... no customer service, 3 hour call holds. hang ups etc @etrade pulling my funds monday

  • CrystalsLady Elasa YangGang🧢🗽😷 (@CrystalsLady) relatou um problema

    @lmcgrew @RobinhoodApp @etrade Damn. Seems like we have a few more to sue...it's almost every trading platform now

  • AnthonyMontani3 Anthony Montanino (@AnthonyMontani3) relatou um problema

    @4rilla @etrade That’s weird. I haven’t had an issue with $amc all day

  • clubhi Michael Ritsema (@clubhi) relatou um problema

    @etrade Your elite service is pretty useless when it just hangs up on me

  • President_Milas Johnny (@President_Milas) relatou um problema

    @etrade Why are you restricting my trading of #AMC ? As a lifelong Etrade customer and AMC owner why can't I make trades.

  • Gera92114834 Gera (@Gera92114834) relatou um problema

    @StanTradingMan @etrade @TDAmeritrade No one complain when I lost 15000 from my 401k at the beginning of the pandemic. Wedge funds actually profit from it. They even bragged how they had become billionaires during the pandemic.

  • makemethough shh. (@makemethough) relatou um problema

    @etrade WTF can I not trade AMC online or on automated phone line. **** you!!!

  • 1991Wolfpack Jeffrey Wright (@1991Wolfpack) relatou um problema

    @WSBConsensus ETrade screwing over even their biggest & most active customers in the so called Platinum group. @etrade should not have shut down trading in $GME or $AMC just increase the margin requirements.

  • ThisTooShallPa7 This_Too_Shall_Pass (@ThisTooShallPa7) relatou um problema

    Hey @etrade, you're about to lose a customer if you can't get these stocks open and trading on your platform. This is in violation of a #FreeMarket #Capitalism We see you.

  • ynottrades Tony (@ynottrades) relatou um problema

    This didn’t age well. **** you @etrade

  • colson78 Chris Olson (@colson78) relatou um problema

    @etrade blocking the ability for retail investors to place certain trade orders is 100% unacceptable. Way to put your customer's last e*Trade, I hope this move costs you considerably - both monetarily and in lost customers.

  • KamronMeyers Kamron Meyers (@KamronMeyers) relatou um problema

    @etrade won't let me buy AMC stock.. I am cancelling every account zoo have with them immediately. **** off