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A E-Trade Financial Corporation oferece uma plataforma de negociação eletrônica para negociar ativos financeiros, incluindo ações ordinárias, ações preferenciais, contratos futuros, fundos negociados em bolsa, opções, fundos mútuos e investimentos de renda fixa.

Problemas nas últimas 24 horas

O gráfico a seguir mostra o número de reclamações sobre falha no serviço E*Trade que recebemos por hora do dia nas últimas 24 horas. Consideramos que há uma interrupção quando o número de reclamações é maior do que a linha de base, representada pela linha vermelha.

Gráfico de falhas e interrupções no serviço E*Trade 03/27/2025 06:35

No momento, não detectamos nenhum problema no serviço E*Trade. Você está tendo falhas ou interrupções em algum serviço? Deixe uma mensagem nos comentários!

Problemas mais relatados

A seguir estão os problemas mais recentes relatados pelos usuários da E*Trade em nosso site.

  1. Website (51%)

    Website (51%)

  2. Login (30%)

    Login (30%)

  3. Plataforma de Negociação (16%)

    Plataforma de Negociação (16%)

  4. Retiradas (3%)

    Retiradas (3%)

Mapa ao vivo de interrupções

As últimas reclamações sobre falhas, interrupções e problemas vieram de

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City Problem Type Report Time
United StatesDallas Retiradas
United StatesRancho Santa Margarita Retiradas
United StatesApex Website
United StatesPineville Login
United StatesSeattle Login
United StatesSandersville Login
Map Mapa de Falhas e Interrupções Completo

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Reclamações sobre problemas no serviço E*Trade

Reclamações sobre falhas, interrupções e problemas mais recentes nas redes sociais:

  • Thrackx Thrack (@Thrackx) relatou um problema

    @InvestorsLive @dastrader @etrade All brokers need to offer it imo. Literally the only platform that doesn't have issues.

  • BullLogic Bulllogic (@BullLogic) relatou um problema

    @etrade $HCMC first it tells me symbol invalid. 2nd time went though after 30 seconds. Hey Morgan Stanley. FIX THIS

  • androidmj androidmj (@androidmj) relatou um problema

    @steven_shaffer @etrade So frustrated. Can't even trade normal names AND phones are down.

  • JaxxTx Jaxx T (@JaxxTx) relatou um problema

    @jablamsky @etrade @TDAmeritrade Nope, I've barely noticed anything. Customer service was also great when I swapped to them back in Sept last year. They paid all the fees involved - even 1 extra fee that my old broker imposed that I wasn't aware, I got reimbursed for that as well weeks after my transf was complt

  • srchanddstry Will Come4U (@srchanddstry) relatou um problema

    Wtf @etrade ??! 60+ minute hold times to speak to customer service and NO CALLBACK SERVICE? How about you use some trade fees to invest in customer service? Pathetic.

  • adam49922419 Saul (@adam49922419) relatou um problema

    @DSmith39 @etrade Sorry to hear this. Hopefully they will fix

  • RaviAppasani Rav_cap (@RaviAppasani) relatou um problema

    @etrade down again? Not able to login on app.

  • FrayedEnds21 Brand (@FrayedEnds21) relatou um problema

    @etrade You are not executing or canceling orders online? No customer service. No live chat. No ability to do anything online. This is ridiculous

  • MFletcher96 Michelle (@MFletcher96) relatou um problema

    @TheRaviHirani @etrade Right! I just went to their feed back page under the help tab on the platform and sent a not nice message.

  • ikie4444 Sotirios🇬🇷 (@ikie4444) relatou um problema

    BIG ******* PROBLEMS @etrade fix your **** or a lawsuit is coming

  • tvinge Forrest Capital (@tvinge) relatou um problema

    @WolfOfWeedST @etrade I am at 55 min not chat available 20 min later confirmations terrible

  • stonk_cold Stonk Cold Steve Austin (@stonk_cold) relatou um problema

    @ChartingOptions @etrade This has been going on for weeks and I trade off speed trading and momentum it’s greatly effected my trading smdh. i can’t even log in and when i call these guys it doesn’t even ring takes me to a out of service number and I’m pulling the number from their site!!!!

  • Women_Truths Women Truths (@Women_Truths) relatou um problema

    @moneyman2422 @brittnychrissy_ @etrade I imagine the employees at E*TRADE right now are probably acting the way we always did at work when the system went stupid. “**** it. I’m having a coffee and a vape break. Maybe they’ll just let us go home early if this **** stays broken. Typical Monday!” :P

  • Mr_Brian_Emery Brian Emery (@Mr_Brian_Emery) relatou um problema

    @etrade The service you requested is temporarily unavailable. Please try back later. What is going on? I can't do anything today?????

  • savvygaby Wtf !!!!!! (@savvygaby) relatou um problema

    @etrade Etrade app sucks mooosedick I don’t know what kind of scam is going on but **** You.

  • TrailerPrkTrade ChewytheCat (@TrailerPrkTrade) relatou um problema

    @BrianBader @DSmith39 @etrade Throwing Market Orders is deadly because you will get filled at the high or low. Check Time and Sales with your price and complain if it’s horrible!

  • VisceralVybz Intrinsic Atrophy (@VisceralVybz) relatou um problema

    @katpop @etrade It’s not working for me either. Won’t even fill basic market orders or any of my sell positions

  • MariaSinaloa3 MariaSinaloa (@MariaSinaloa3) relatou um problema

    @johnpagac2 @CordovaTrades @etrade you got through to customer service?

  • itsdemoe DonDemoe (@itsdemoe) relatou um problema

    I tried to place an open market order on E*TRADE this morning, the order wouldn’t go through & it also wouldn’t let me cancel. It’s stock in queue. @etrade #poweretrade This platform has issues almost daily now.

  • katpop Katerina (@katpop) relatou um problema

    @etrade is etrade down.....app not working at all...will not allow anyone to sign in and on pc you can get in but can't do much.....info please?

  • wavetrader6 wavetrader (@wavetrader6) relatou um problema

    @ChartingOptions @etrade Their phones are also not working

  • GeigerRacing David Geiger (@GeigerRacing) relatou um problema

    @etrade I enjoy your app, but is there ANY way to make it faster? I thought it was a ME issue. But it isn’t. The app just runs slow.

  • ScottE18 TheReal Bubba18 (@ScottE18) relatou um problema

    @BostonLdog @etrade Can't login even if I wanted to lol

  • TheFatMinnow GFR (@TheFatMinnow) relatou um problema

    @atrupar @etrade E trade won't process my trades. Both numbers say disconnected and live chat not working. What the hell?

  • CaroSkolnick Carolina Skolnick - Galleria International Realty (@CaroSkolnick) relatou um problema de Miramar, Florida

    @etrade @etrade4rias need to get their act together. Their platform is not working properly. Orders are not taking on time. Maybe switching to @TDBank_US is a good idea!

  • FrayedEnds21 Brand (@FrayedEnds21) relatou um problema

    @etrade 121 min live chat wait? No phone service at all. Really? while Markets jump all over the place and we can't buy or sell?

  • Nickoo_2554 Nick (@Nickoo_2554) relatou um problema

    @etrade Your app is down, people can’t login or trade

  • MMGfromNYC Maria (@MMGfromNYC) relatou um problema

    @etrade phone number is disconnected, won’t execute orders, won’t respond to DMs. Wtf is happening. #Etrade #badbusiness #nocommunication

  • _____Tasia_____ Anastasia (@_____Tasia_____) relatou um problema

    @KowalczykRyan @ChartingOptions @etrade That's funny, but not really funny. It cost us a lot of money this morning -- same last week because of their issues. Getting fed up.

  • blind_trader Michael (@blind_trader) relatou um problema

    **** you @etrade. My $SLV option I have been in for at least 6 months is down over $100 b/c you didn't fill my order.