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A Trading 212 é uma corretora online fundada em 2006 que oferece negociação de ações, forex, commodities, índices e muito mais.
Problemas nas últimas 24 horas
O gráfico a seguir mostra o número de reclamações sobre falha no serviço Trading 212 que recebemos por hora do dia nas últimas 24 horas. Consideramos que há uma interrupção quando o número de reclamações é maior do que a linha de base, representada pela linha vermelha.
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Problemas mais relatados
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Reclamações sobre problemas no serviço Trading 212
Reclamações sobre falhas, interrupções e problemas mais recentes nas redes sociais:
Michael (@MichaelWCCA) relatou um problema
@escargotmargo @Trading212 @freetrade Please everyone **** these horrible scumbags off #trading212 #scum
Just another person (@prime1033) relatou um problema
@trading212 your job as a trading platform isn't to give your customers financial advise and literally block them from investing in certain stocks. This pretense that it's about mitigating your customers' risk is comedic at best, possibly a scam at worst. #trading212 $GME $AMC
lucidcelt (@lucidcelt) relatou um problema
They let us play their game until we start winning. **** you @Trading212 $amc #saveamc #OccupyWallStreet $gme @elonmusk @WSBChairman
Lewis Stoodley (@stooder123) relatou um problema
@Trading212 @Trading212 did you know it’s against the law to offer financial advice unless you are a financial advisor by trade? (Which you are not) market manipulation is also highly illegal. You’re going to have a really bad time following this bizarre decision to stop people investing.
Stephen (@Stephentwenty) relatou um problema
@Trading212 could you, you know, not be manipulating the market? It even says in your terms of service you won't give any advice. Let the free market run its course
thomas emiliou (@emiliou14) relatou um problema
@Trading212 Trading CFDs are a high risk customers can lose thousands in seconds. People understand the risk of trading that’s why they trade and if they don’t then they must be stupid.. A broker suspending shares like AMC shouldn’t be a broke embarrassing let the people trade what they want
The Funny (@Notactualyfunny) relatou um problema
@deejerox @nunaldinho89 @Trading212 GameStop is going to crash regardless, trading 212 is stopping all the new traders losing money because of all this GameStop hype, it's very unsafe and doesn't effect people who know what they are doing.
dhillon (@Simran_d12) relatou um problema
@Trading212 plz dont crash today love
gm (@escargotmargo) relatou um problema
@Trading212 poor decisions, let the free market run its course! Perhaps stop leveraged positions but you shouldn’t stop simple purchasing of shares.... I think you’ve just destroyed your customer base now... @freetrade is good to go....... $amc $gme #GME #AMC
🎮 Blase R #BlackLivesMatter (@BlaseRaptor544) relatou um problema
@JakeAGame @Trading212 This is a bad look for them.
Omar 🇵🇸 (@OMA_12R) relatou um problema
So what you're saying is @Trading212 won't let me buy anymore $GME or $AMC to protect me? Not the hedge funders who are shorting it? Okay... I'm just hold, **** it.
Jonny. (@Jonnymurphy) relatou um problema
@JAM_WILLS93 @blagofficial @Trading212 I've been using it for 2+ years and never had an issue
Nokta (@NoctaY) relatou um problema
@minamicos @Trading212 Not working in belgium
Crease (@CreaseJones) relatou um problema
@mrlubos @Trading212 They won't. I emailed them with a similar query and they pointed out a clause in the agreement that says we waive any right to compensation due to downtime. I would urge everyone to complain to their respective regulators as this collusion cannot be allowed.
Eggo ⚪ (@sadsadpanini) relatou um problema
@Trading212 What crafty excuse will you guys come up with today to shut down your app at 230PM, like every other day? $GME $AMC
matherden (@matherden1) relatou um problema
@Trading212 not letting me decide to increase my own positions, through using my own money, feels an awful lot like when the Banks wouldn’t let anyone withdraw their money in Mary Poppins $GME $AMC
endmondays / stonky boy (@endmondays) relatou um problema
@Coindicator Quite scared for my profits at the moment on AMC. Because have a feeling I will lose all of it, cuz of @Trading212 . 100% they gonna shut down on cash out on Friday, so people lose money....
Ben Sassoon (@bensassoon) relatou um problema
@Trading212 Disgraceful. Opening complaint with FCA, how is this legal? You are not a financial advisor
Luca (@Luca78256046) relatou um problema
@Trading212 You deserve to lose all your customers, and I am going to be the first one to leave! How the hell could stop buying hot stocks for mitigating my risk? In this way the price can’t get up but only down and if I face any losses due to your decision, I am going to sue you!
Klassiker (@StrizziTv) relatou um problema
@Trading212 open your broker for GME please. There is no reason to shut down this trades
JacksBroStocks (@iamthebar1) relatou um problema
@Trading212 has ****** us on $AMC no new purchases allowed which is so ******* criminal!!! **** it let’s hold $AMC and buy tonnes of $NOK $NAKD and $BB !! Let’s go next rocket leaving to the moon please 🚀
Col (@Col52994899) relatou um problema
@Trading212 Happy to let people lose 5k uneducated on cfd Happy to fall back on T&C when you don't close orders or sell shares without an order in place. Shuts down when we're winning for a change 212... For the (rich) people
psn_rockshow (@psn_rockshow) relatou um problema
@Trading212 Absolutely shocking company. Reiterating i will be moving away from you as soon as i close my positions. We’ll provide a service but only if it benefits us and the hedge funds ********* us. Disgrace.
S Batchelor (@Sj_Batchelor) relatou um problema
@Trading212 Let us trade unrestricted, we know the risks! terrible decision on your part.
Ben Sassoon (@bensassoon) relatou um problema
@Trading212 Disgraceful. Opening complaint with FCA
Just another person (@prime1033) relatou um problema
@trading212 your job as a broker/trading platform isn't to give your customers financial advise and literally block them from investing in certain stocks. This pretense that it's about mitigating your customers' risk is comedic at best, possible scam at worst. #trading212
Klassiker (@StrizziTv) relatou um problema
@Trading212 open your broker for GME please. There is no reason you shut down this trades
FI Julio (@FIJulio_) relatou um problema
@Trading212 stopping the buy option for $GME and $AMC shows you how corrupt the financial system is. Making it impossible for retail traders to continue doing a legal thing because the rich are getting their pants pulled down. Burn them to the ground!
Josh Osborn (@deathaccepted) relatou um problema
@TimGibsonPBS @Trading212 Hargreaves Lansdown. Share dealing incurs a charge but I've not had any issues dealing with GME. There have been brief periods of outage, due to sheer volume, but it doesn't seem superfluous. It's also easy to see the charges you are paying. Very reputable company.
The Funny (@Notactualyfunny) relatou um problema
@KarlKircher @Alexthought @Trading212 It's customer protection so new traders don't gamble all their money away because twitter users told them to.