
Arlo está fora do ar?

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A Arlo Technologies é uma empresa de automação residencial que fabrica câmeras sem fio e sistemas de segurança residencial. A empresa é propriedade da Netgear.

Problemas nas últimas 24 horas

O gráfico a seguir mostra o número de reclamações sobre falha no serviço Arlo que recebemos por hora do dia nas últimas 24 horas. Consideramos que há uma interrupção quando o número de reclamações é maior do que a linha de base, representada pela linha vermelha.

Gráfico de falhas e interrupções no serviço Arlo 03/28/2025 18:15

No momento, não detectamos nenhum problema no serviço Arlo. Você está tendo falhas ou interrupções em algum serviço? Deixe uma mensagem nos comentários!

Problemas mais relatados

A seguir estão os problemas mais recentes relatados pelos usuários da Arlo em nosso site.

  1. Recursos Online (35%)

    Recursos Online (35%)

  2. Falha de aplicativo (23%)

    Falha de aplicativo (23%)

  3. Falha do dispositivo (15%)

    Falha do dispositivo (15%)

  4. Login (14%)

    Login (14%)

  5. Site desativado (7%)

    Site desativado (7%)

  6. Erros (5%)

    Erros (5%)

Mapa ao vivo de interrupções

As últimas reclamações sobre falhas, interrupções e problemas vieram de

Carregando mapa, por favor aguarde...
City Problem Type Report Time
United StatesLongmont Recursos Online
SwitzerlandLyss Login
United StatesLas Vegas Falha do dispositivo
United StatesLongmont Falha de aplicativo
GermanyFrankfurt am Main Falha de aplicativo
GermanyWinsen Login
Map Mapa de Falhas e Interrupções Completo

Discussão da comunidade

Dicas? Frustrações? Compartilhe aqui o que você está pensando. Não se esqueça de incluir a descrição do problema e a sua cidade e código postal.

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Reclamações sobre problemas no serviço Arlo

Reclamações sobre falhas, interrupções e problemas mais recentes nas redes sociais:

  • Jeffishish Jeff Glickman (@Jeffishish) relatou um problema

    I submitted a support request to @ArloSmartHome on the 13th and haven't gotten any response yet. It's been three days 🙁. That's not very confidence inspiring for a system that's supposed to help protect my home.

  • MoeBaghai Moe Baghai (@MoeBaghai) relatou um problema

    @ArloSmartHome recently I have been getting double notifications for every alert. On Android and Apple phones. I've reinstalled the app & no change. Help? Thanks!

  • l3oaussie l3oaussie (@l3oaussie) relatou um problema

    @ArloSmartHome @CEOAction Strategy without actions = failure. You need to increase the effort to fix the smart detection system as your subscription bundles mislead the customers with fake promises. #EpicFailure

  • TweetNishit N. S. (@TweetNishit) relatou um problema

    Video 1 is from @ArloSmartHome simply superb and just works Video 2 is from @WyzeCam terrible waste of my money across 3 cameras and 1 doorbell. Support was not good either.

  • KM64780550 K&M (@KM64780550) relatou um problema

    @ArloSmartHome do not buy Arlo. I have pro3. You have to pay 4 a subscription to view videos. U can use thumb drive but U have to download video, there’s no visible thumbnail and it’s not an instant download. DONT BUY. This is UR warning. They need to fix this

  • NBegasse Nicolas Begasse (@NBegasse) relatou um problema

    @ArloSmartHome has the worst customer service ever. I spent hours talking to respresentatives. Worst customer satisfaction ever for a defective product.

  • KindleCutie Lucy Jane Danger (@KindleCutie) relatou um problema

    @ArloSmartHome Customer service reps are misleading, just bought a whole new system to find out it's not compatible w/ my plan even though I was told they would be. As a Realtor, I have recommended these to many clients, but can no longer recommend #arlosmarthome due to bad CS.

  • 15sasmith Shelly Ⓥ (@15sasmith) relatou um problema

    So disappointed with @ArloSmartHome new ultra cameras. Don’t work as unless subscription. Poor advice & detail on web. Arlo attraction was no monthly fee & why expensive hardware. Now arlo changed it completely. Bad for customers.

  • tiggyboos Tiggy Boo (@tiggyboos) relatou um problema

    @SmokeytheET @ArloSmartHome Wait until it doesn't record when you need it to and tech support cant help solve anything after wasting months!

  • JeffWallaceWY Jeff Wallace (@JeffWallaceWY) relatou um problema

    @ArloSmartHome @CEOAction Good for you. Now fix your buggy app and get your company profitable.

  • faisalraju Faisal sadiq (@faisalraju) relatou um problema

    @ArloSmartHome Fix your arlo smart subscription issue. Users are without camera's recording and can not subscribe for arlo smart plan. It's been a week and on going issue from last year. Arlo should not only spend money to sell new products instead fixing existing one first.

  • jb_fast win + x, u, u (@jb_fast) relatou um problema

    I see @ArloSmartHome is all about the sweet, sweet PII, not enough to pay money for hardware, not enough to pay monthly fees, gotta monetize the customer data too, demanding phone numbers or killing your service and hardware under the auspices of security, smh. **** you Arlo.

  • Djrams10 Laurent  (@Djrams10) relatou um problema

    @iHappy11 @GohanBlog @ArloSmartHome Si tu peux tester de ton côté, car je viens d’avoir Arlo et ils me disent que c’est un problème récurrent venant d’Apple alors je voudrais savoir si je dois réinitialiser un petit coup car cela fonctionne peut-être de manière aléatoire. Merci pour ton aide

  • TexasFancyBoots Fancy Boots (@TexasFancyBoots) relatou um problema

    There’s a gap in notifications from 4pm Sunday to 4:30am Monday. There’s NEVER no activity at that time. I usually have between 30-50 notifications from that camera, during that time, each night. But not when it matters, apparently. @ArloSmartHome, that’s just absolute trash.

  • EverhartZacaree Zacaree Everhart (@EverhartZacaree) relatou um problema

    @ArloSmartHome is there a known issue with your website? Attempting to log in and as soon as I do, it logs me back out and then asks me to re-verify, but still doesn’t let me in.

  • GohanBlog Aurelien (@GohanBlog) relatou um problema

    @Djrams10 @iHappy11 @ArloSmartHome Salut ! La version sans fil ? Pas besoin du homekit, tu peux la connecter direct à ton WiFi pour info.

  • JunyrRaK JunyrRaK (@JunyrRaK) relatou um problema

    @ArloSmartHome pretty disappointed that I can’t have my Video Doorbell record locally (w/ base station) without buying a subscription. Y offer local recording at all? My other cams record no problem. I was trying to replace one cam w the doorbell so I dont have to change batts

  • KM64780550 K&M (@KM64780550) relatou um problema

    @ArloSmartHome @HomeDepot Fix your direct storage problem. It’s horrible. I shouldn’t have to pay for a subscription. You tricked me and failed to identify that Pro models will not get 7-day streaming free. That info is hidden. I’m extremely upset with your business practices. DO NOT buy until they fix

  • Djrams10 Laurent  (@Djrams10) relatou um problema

    @iHappy11 @GohanBlog @ArloSmartHome J’ai essayé une fois et impossible de la récupérer. Encore une réinitialisation obligatoire. Peux être la base a un problème

  • Djrams10 Laurent  (@Djrams10) relatou um problema

    @iHappy11 @GohanBlog @ArloSmartHome Il semble que j’ai encore un problème 😬. De l’extérieur avec homekit j’ai pas de son. Et vous ? Ça c’est bizarre

  • KM64780550 K&M (@KM64780550) relatou um problema

    @ArloSmartHome Do nothing buy. Their high end cameras have to have a paid subscription. Their direct storage is a joke and you can’t access it away from ur home. DONT BUY until they fix this crap.

  • DBraben David A. Braben (@DBraben) relatou um problema

    @ArloSmartHome I'll take it back concerning your poor support. Robert in the UK was wonderful. Give him a gold star. :)

  • Djrams10 Laurent  (@Djrams10) relatou um problema

    @iHappy11 @GohanBlog @ArloSmartHome Ça n’a pas l’air le problème est remonter sur les forums arlo. Tu me confirmera merci

  • Djrams10 Laurent  (@Djrams10) relatou um problema

    @GohanBlog @iHappy11 @ArloSmartHome Tu peux me dire si tu as un modèle sans fil ou filaire. Connecter avec une base station?

  • bbfarmer2 Lisa Deupree (@bbfarmer2) relatou um problema

    @ArloSmartHome help. How to subscribe using an IOS device????

  • TexasFancyBoots Fancy Boots (@TexasFancyBoots) relatou um problema

    @knbpixels @ArloSmartHome I’ve been SO disappointed with the Arlo system. It’s supposed to be too notch but it has been absolute garbage since day one. Unreliable, massive lag, terrible battery life. I’m so pissed right now.

  • calidreamin1984 Cali (@calidreamin1984) relatou um problema

    @ArloSmartHome Why is it that my camera keeps going off? Now my house was broken into and bc it went offline, we dont know who came in my house? Why even have this camera if the wifi goes off and it doesnt notify you the camera isnt on?

  • Franko06207532 Francisco Maldonado (@Franko06207532) relatou um problema

    @ArloSmartHome now been trying 2 weeks to buy a subscription for Arlo cameras, been on hold with your customer support for hours-NO success. Arlo cameras cannot work without a subscription-they are useless. Who can help resolve this? Returning Cameras by week end IF NOT resolved.

  • Djrams10 Laurent  (@Djrams10) relatou um problema

    @iHappy11 @GohanBlog @ArloSmartHome Ah mon avis il faut une caméra arlo pour que ça fonctionne. Moi j’ai acheter juste la sonnette pour homekit et ça fonctionne pas. Je ne vois que ça

  • upgradeyuh Ash (@upgradeyuh) relatou um problema

    @ArloSmartHome I opened a case and was given instructions to go through which did not resolve. Upon updating the case several times no one has responded back again. I’m still under warranty but can’t get any help