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A IG é a maior corretora de câmbio e contratos por diferença (CFDs) do mundo. A empresa oferece acesso global a uma linha de produtos abrangente que inclui negociação de câmbio, índices de ações, ações individuais, setores de ações, commodities, criptomoedas, títulos e taxas de juros. A oferta de serviços é disponibilizada em uma variedade de plataformas de negociação baseadas na Web e para dispositivos móveis de nível profissional.
Problemas nas últimas 24 horas
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Reclamações sobre problemas no serviço IG
Reclamações sobre falhas, interrupções e problemas mais recentes nas redes sociais:
Equity Investments (@EquityInvestme2) relatou um problema
@gju @IGcom Terrible service probably violating their own Terms and Conditions. Please seek recompenee with Financial Ombudsman Service and file a complaint with @TheFCA Enough is enough of this shoddy service.
The Hopeless Trader (@HopelessTrader1) relatou um problema
@IGcom Don’t go down the route of Robinhood. Stop pausing trading. Halting the buying of a trade and only letting them sell is pure market manipulation and you only have to look at what’s happening with Robinhood, I’ll be surprised if the two co-founders don’t go to prison
sebastianm (@picfwd) relatou um problema
@IGcom @IGcom disabled trading on Gamestop and AMC in exactly the critical moment (on second) when Robinhood closed down the option to buy. This caused GME and AMC to crash and IG is part of that.
taus (@tausmanon) relatou um problema
@IGcom How come after betting on a stock the stock is going down and after closingthe bet the stock is going up? Can someone answer to my question
Richard Eastwood (@pistachiorich) relatou um problema
@IGClientHelp Anyone know of a UK platform that wasn’t down today. I tried to exit my position with IG but no such luck. I could exit when it dropped though. I’ve heard @CityIndex was fine? @AJBellYouInvest how did you fare. Will IG honour my exit?
milbshake (@milbshake) relatou um problema
@IGClientHelp Make this the 6th time in last 9 mths..... Down twice in 24hrs and still no response from IG as to why the platform keeps crashing ! The reason is simple. Because they know what the issue is but dont want to spend the money to fix it. Do you even care ???
Thomas Winston (@ThomasW95228819) relatou um problema
@IGSquawk @IGClientHelp Lost a lot of money just now because of this shitty trading platform. Platform access problem 2 times in a week. Cant even place a bet now. ??? Seriously ??? No one answering the phone. ONLY 75% people lose money ? ......
iz (@iramahmed79) relatou um problema
@IGClientHelp what is wrong with your app? I tried selling my @AMCTheatres stock when it was up and it didn’t let me and now the stock keeps crashing and causing errors every time I’ve tried to sell. I’ve called you three times each time on hold for 30mins and then cut of
sebastianm (@picfwd) relatou um problema
@IGcom IG disabled trading on Gamestop and AMC in exactly the critical moment (on second) when Robinhood closed down the option to buy. This caused GME and AMC to crash and IG is part of that.
AndY B (@Bowen85AI) relatou um problema
@IGcom @wallstreetbets_ @chamath #amcstock #AMCtothemoon. locked out of AMC trades with god knows how many other people. could not buy or sell. need support.
Southern Trader (@SouthernTrader4) relatou um problema
@blacgold76 @IGClientHelp Yep . Last two days kept shutting down around 2 pm when it was extremely volatile in markets . Not good enough
Tommy Rot (@TommyRot10) relatou um problema
@IGClientHelp Are these issues now over? Your contact us number tells callers to go away unless they want to trade. I believe the IG trading platform is miscalculating the value of my holdings. It's significantly below the figure I reach when I calculate it. No phone support, so can you help?
Jason Nicholls (@jas251068) relatou um problema
@IGClientHelp Can’t see live positions on chart now , shambles of a service.
paulchapman (@paulchapman) relatou um problema
@IGClientHelp you Australia 1800 number is not working? Are there any issues as we have a technical issue and need to speak to someone
Dominic hawkes (@domhawkes) relatou um problema
@IGTV @IGcom @JeremyNaylor_IG All brokers are having issues today for some reason 🤨🤨🤨
kek (@barloJarlo) relatou um problema
@IGClientHelp You seem to be having platform issues again. Can you confirm this will be fixed soon? I am trying to login but cannot get pas the /wtp/ page. Looking at the console your end is returning HTTP 500 (Internal server error). This is 2 days in a row now..
Rob King (@rob_king) relatou um problema
@IGcom If you block/cap buying you’ll be sued like @RobinhoodApp ...Our money, our investments. We’ve all signed the “capital at risk” forms. This is a bad day for IG for even mentioning this.
Ady Thompson (@adythompson) relatou um problema
@IGcom Shame we couldn't trade AMC at certain times over the last 24 hours, no issues when the priced dropped though 🤔
milbshake (@milbshake) relatou um problema
@IGClientHelp 2nd time in 24hrs your platform is down. Is this going to happen every day now ? Why are you unable to give us any info on the issue ?
aussieg (@aussieg7) relatou um problema
@IGClientHelp Your customer service line is disconnected. Not a good look. I get you are overwhelmed with complaints but you guys need to fix this asap. The platform crashed multiple times last night costing people money.
Mayur (@MAYURKOTECHA1) relatou um problema
@IGClientHelp @IGcom Logging in is very hit and miss. Platform is erratic and unstable. Any reason for this?
TT (@mt67_) relatou um problema
@IGTV @IGcom @JeremyNaylor_IG Garbage platform. Down 2 days in a row at market open💩
Weasel IPA (@WeaselIPA) relatou um problema
@IGClientHelp down again.
Paul (@pjensh91) relatou um problema
@GerberKawasaki No problem buying on @IGClientHelp igmarkets either
Thomas Winston (@ThomasW95228819) relatou um problema
@IGClientHelp Maybe, I have been waiting on the phone for 30 mins now..... I will send email anyway... Lost a lot of money just now because of this shitty trading platform, platform access problem 2 times in a week. Cant even place a bet now. No one answering the phone.
shabak (@shabakNuke) relatou um problema
@IGcom Its not your fking problem innit? Why did u stop trading yesterday on dip (120usd)? To sell it to hedge funds? I am looking for anyone else that was affected and maybe legal action to be taken against you. YOU HAVE ILLEGALLY STOPPED PPL FROM TRADING MULTIPLE TIMES!!!!!
wwwsahiphopcoza (@wwwsahiphopcoza) relatou um problema
@IGcom @IGClientHelp **** you guys! Why you halted $SNDL ? That **** is illegal!
Claudiu Hoban (@ClaudioHoban) relatou um problema
@IGClientHelp Only opened trading again when it went down “coincidently”. What you did was illegal and you will be facing lawsuits. I have gathered evidence and screenshots of everything that happened yesterday and today.
milbshake (@milbshake) relatou um problema
@IGClientHelp Make this the 6th time in last 9 mths..... Down twice in 24hrs and still no response from IG as to why the platform keeps crashing ! The reason is simple. Because they know what the issue is but dont want to spend the money to fix it.
shabak (@shabakNuke) relatou um problema
@picfwd @IGcom Excactly, what can we do? I have recorded sessions, this was on ath and on dip as well. Total manipulation!!!!! What will be next? They will take away shares we own and give it to hedge funds - so they can cover naked shorts? Worst broker....