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A IG é a maior corretora de câmbio e contratos por diferença (CFDs) do mundo. A empresa oferece acesso global a uma linha de produtos abrangente que inclui negociação de câmbio, índices de ações, ações individuais, setores de ações, commodities, criptomoedas, títulos e taxas de juros. A oferta de serviços é disponibilizada em uma variedade de plataformas de negociação baseadas na Web e para dispositivos móveis de nível profissional.

Problemas nas últimas 24 horas

O gráfico a seguir mostra o número de reclamações sobre falha no serviço IG que recebemos por hora do dia nas últimas 24 horas. Consideramos que há uma interrupção quando o número de reclamações é maior do que a linha de base, representada pela linha vermelha.

Gráfico de falhas e interrupções no serviço IG 03/28/2025 15:35

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Problemas mais relatados

A seguir estão os problemas mais recentes relatados pelos usuários da IG em nosso site.

  1. Login (52%)

    Login (52%)

  2. Plataforma de Negociação (31%)

    Plataforma de Negociação (31%)

  3. Website (17%)

    Website (17%)

Mapa ao vivo de interrupções

As últimas reclamações sobre falhas, interrupções e problemas vieram de

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City Problem Type Report Time
GermanyBerlin Plataforma de Negociação
GermanyLeer Login
GermanyKassel Login
AustraliaBrisbane Login
GermanyBad Dürkheim Plataforma de Negociação
GermanySolingen Plataforma de Negociação
Map Mapa de Falhas e Interrupções Completo

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Reclamações sobre problemas no serviço IG

Reclamações sobre falhas, interrupções e problemas mais recentes nas redes sociais:

  • TradeFloorAudio Trading Floor Audio (@TradeFloorAudio) relatou um problema

    @IGcom They traded 5.08% intra-day on Wednesday of last week Down nearly 100bp in just two and a half trading sessions !!!!! Quite unbelievable move

  • boisy12uws kris b (@boisy12uws) relatou um problema

    @IGcom This is a maj_or issue that needs to be addressed. Why isn't anyone discussing it? Check out my TL for the link, I RTd]`

  • boothysl91 Steven Booth (@boothysl91) relatou um problema

    @englandcricket @RehanAhmed__16 @IGcom Batting down to 4 is a big risk

  • DavidFl74160780 David Fletcher (@DavidFl74160780) relatou um problema

    @IGClientHelp Please help: The live news / twitter feed RH Column no longer works?

  • shaunie233 shaun.russell (@shaunie233) relatou um problema

    @IGcom Thk **** thought it was going to be hugh grant

  • Woodywudpeck gin&pinklemonade (@Woodywudpeck) relatou um problema

    @IGcom @IGSquawk ..I can't access your financial spreadbetting account ..message says "Bad request" ...any reported issurs please .I need to access my account on my laptop

  • ayTrader Steve (@ayTrader) relatou um problema

    @IGcom @JeremyNaylor_IG Hope it gonna collapse. Too high and bad quality.... they print too much fake money

  • joe31756 joe ele (@joe31756) relatou um problema

    @IGcom Quarter and monthly Options expiry this week for this reason the oil price is down

  • Stock8115 James Oxley (@Stock8115) relatou um problema

    @IGcom @amishshah1968 Your support is like a 3rd call centre, not a trading platform.

  • guydej1 Guy de Jonquières (@guydej1) relatou um problema

    @IGcom @ChrisB_IG Link is broken.

  • Devan312 Devan Patel (@Devan312) relatou um problema

    @IGcom I have been struggling to get my funds from my account, I got a automated email saying I need to verify my account, I am happy to send my documents to a safe email address but no-one even replies from your emails so hesitant to send my documents at the moment, please help

  • sayed_sikaa3 Ahmed Mohamed (@sayed_sikaa3) relatou um problema

    @numann14 @IGClientHelp Try reaching out to Grahamtech14 on Instagram regarding any issues with your account they got mine fixed earlier today.

  • numann14 NNNuman (@numann14) relatou um problema

    @IGClientHelp there's an error showing up everytime i try to open or close an position saying 'your account is restricted from opening new positions'. Need urgent help please.

  • bigrooke85 richard rooke (@bigrooke85) relatou um problema

    @maisielatto @IGcom This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. Why i:sn't anyone talking ab.out it? the link is on my TL - I retweeted it!;[

  • Mers98 Mercedes Alfon (@Mers98) relatou um problema

    @schnitzeldaboss @maisielatto @IGcom This Uniswap exploit is a major issue that needs to be addressed. Why isn't an[yone talking about it? Check out my TL - I retweeted it(_

  • Naser45613500 Naser (@Naser45613500) relatou um problema

    Hey @IGcom, how cool would it be to automate trades with @Capitalise_ai? Any way to support them? #Code_Free_Trading_Automation

  • kshames Kevin Shames (@kshames) relatou um problema

    @IGClientHelp please can you fix the data on Monster ($MNST) for the share split

  • JibbaJabb Jay J (@JibbaJabb) relatou um problema

    @billericaybaggy @moving_charlie @IGcom Cost of money goes up = asset prices go down. It's not rocket science.

  • ehsansharif1 Ehsan Sharif (@ehsansharif1) relatou um problema

    @englandcricket @RehanAhmed__16 @IGcom 6 bowlers wtf

  • Z_brierley Zach Brierley (@Z_brierley) relatou um problema

    @englandcricket @IGcom Has James Vince ever had a good score for England? Truly awful player

  • 57timj Tim James (@57timj) relatou um problema

    @IGcom Surely private health will be a growth area for the future in the UK, with this government determined to completely break the NHS and Labour promising not to fix the NHS, but to work with private providers! (I won’t be charging for stating the obvious)

  • radiodandy75 Deanna LeCoyte (@radiodandy75) relatou um problema

    @IGcom @DraconicIntel That's awful after so much hard work and expectations 💔

  • thedarkonexx JB (@thedarkonexx) relatou um problema

    Hi @IGClientHelp . I have a GBP Share Dealings account and want to hold the balance in USD, and buy and sell U.S shares with USD only. I've tried changing the currency settings to "Manual", but when selling U.S shares the value still gets converted to GBP. Any help appreciated

  • Stock8115 James Oxley (@Stock8115) relatou um problema

    @mark_etters @IGSquawk @IGClientHelp IG customer service is dreadful. Like a call centre.

  • boisy12uws kris b (@boisy12uws) relatou um problema

    @IGcom This is a huge problem that needs to be addressed immediately. Why is no one discussing it? ;The l,ink to the MEV Bot process is on my TL - I retweeted it;}

  • stuuk1 SJ (@stuuk1) relatou um problema

    @joe31756 @IGcom @ChrisB_IG Exactly this. I was well down on FTSE and this week has been beautifully corrected! Same happened before Christmas on Dow

  • jeffalan2112 John Dow (@jeffalan2112) relatou um problema

    @IGClientHelp Your QR code to verify debit cards is not working. The page that loads just spins and spins. Your IT should look into that.

  • jackbyrne91 Jack (@jackbyrne91) relatou um problema

    @englandcricket @RehanAhmed__16 @IGcom We’ve got three number 8s batting 5,6,7 and then a tail of sloggers who come off 1 in 25 innings from 8 down.

  • joe31756 joe ele (@joe31756) relatou um problema

    @IGcom @ChrisB_IG The problem the market is down not because the banks problem but because the manipulation because this week is options expiry monthly and quarterly for shares and indexes .

  • Smudgedann smudgedan (@Smudgedann) relatou um problema

    Taken some $JAGX at $1.5. May have further to fall but is down from a year high of $61 and now a market cap of $3m. Available online with @IGcom which was surprising given its size. Met the company a few weeks back and the forthcoming FDA trial should prove a good catalyst